COVID-19 has affected everyday life, changing where and how we work and workout.

We know it can be difficult to stay motivated during these tough times, especially when many of us are cooped up at home all day.

But it is important to stay active and healthy, perhaps now more than ever, for not only your physical health but your mental health too.

Don’t let lockdown undo all your hard work in the gym and kitchen, or stop you from setting new goals.

Read on for 8 tips on how to stay motivated during lockdown and build a killer body.

Routine is key

The days can easily blur together when you are stuck inside most of the day, which is why maintaining a regular workout routine is a good idea.

Planning and structuring your day to include plenty of time for work, exercise and leisure, along with any other commitments, will help keep you productive, less stressed, and from forming bad habits. Even just squeezing in a 15 to 20 minute workout session, training at a challenging intensity, is very beneficial for mood and health.

It’s much easier to stick to a routine when it is written down and displayed somewhere you will see it every day without fail.

Furthermore, ticking boxes and tracking your progress is a sure-fire way to stay motivated.

It’s important to remember that it gets easier to stick to a routine the longer you commit. In time, working out will become as much of a staple in your everyday life as eating breakfast in the morning.

Dedicate a space in your home for workouts

Whether it be in the lounge, garage, or yard, creating a space where you can regularly and safely workout is crucial to sticking to your fitness schedule. A dedicated space will not only remind you to exercise but will serve as a motivator.

Take it one step further and always have your fitness clothes and equipment – a mat or towel is more than sufficient – readily available for use, so you will not have to waste time scrounging around for something to wear or have to reshuffle furniture every time you workout.

women exercising with yoga mat

Stay connected

Working out with friends, family or other members of your household can be the perfect motivator, as you can pick each other up and spur each other on when you’re feeling down or not in the mood. Plus, it can be a lot more fun working out with a friend than on your own.

Despite the physical limitations brought upon us by COVID-19, we are still able to stay connected and interact with each other through social media and video chats.

So, call a buddy or a group of friends and hit a virtual workout. To mix things up, you could set challenges for one another.

Pump yourself up with your favourite tunes

Never underestimate the power of music. Good beats can inspire you to take your workout up a level and keep you motivated for longer, as, according to Scientific American, music “distracts people from pain and fatigue, elevates mood, increases endurance, reduces perceived effort and may even promote metabolic efficiency.”

woman exercising home workout mat

Change your mindset

It’s easy to slip into a state of laziness or self-loathing – so it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of working out, such as the rush of endorphins and release of built up energy and stress.

Get some fresh air and go for a brisk walk or run. It can completely shift your outlook and recharge your mental batteries – as sunlight is thought to improve mood and help you feel more calm and focused through the release of a hormone in the brain called serotonin.

Set realistic goals

Crushing specific short-term goals on the road to your ultimate goals is a great motivational tool, making the journey feel more satisfying and less daunting. Top athletes and successful businessmen all do this.

Try the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals method to lay out what it is you want to achieve.

Virtual workout videos and plans

Lacking inspiration or don’t know how to create your own home workout routine? There are thousands of great online health and fitness programs out there run by fitness professionals, with many offering free trials for new members and affordable short and long-term plans.

Social media is another fantastic source for workout content. On YouTube, for instance, you’ll find a plethora of free videos posted by personal trainers, fitness influencers and instructors.

Eat healthy, follow a meal plan

Following a healthy, nutrient-rich diet offers numerous benefits such as improving your energy levels, which in turn will make you more eager to get your sweat on.

If you need some guidance or don’t want the hassle of carefully planning each and every meal, our personalized IIFYM Meal Plan is a fantastic option.

Our meal plan saves you time, offers flexibility, tasty dishes and will increase your micronutrient intake, allowing you to stay motivated, focused on crushing your fitness goals and reaping the rewards of a healthier lifestyle.

We also have a range of special bundles on offer, which include full fitness training programs and other bonus benefits.

